The amount of time you’ll spend playing The Stanley Parable depends on how long you’re willing to go along with its idiosyncratic meta-commentary on the nature the video game medium. It is the perfect way to practice their growing phonics skills in a fun and stress-free environment.What is it? Self-aware parody of video game storytelling, featuring a guy named Stanley. As they click each card, the words are read aloud and then vanish if the correct match was made. Kids click to match the words with rhyming sounds in succession on each page. Partners in Rhyme encourages kids to find rhyming words and those with the same end sounds, with each page offering three pairs of rhyming words.

Favorites include Phonics Memory, where they can both learn and practice the sounds of letters and match them with corresponding pictures in a traditional memory-type game. Once the videos have been exhausted, kids can move onto incredibly fun phonics games where they can put their skills to practice. The videos present an enjoyable way for kids to experience these rules in a multi-sensory approach.

They also offer videos with vowel-consonant combinations, diphthongs, short and long vowels, and Digraphs, along with other tricky intricacies of the language. Kids will love to watch the animated graphics and hear the letter pronounced by sound and show different words associated with it, and then the word used in a sentence. Turtle Diary offers a variety of phonics videos that go letter by letter, sound by sound, presenting each in a fun and entertaining way. Since English is not a phonetic language, learning the patterns and rules associated with the combinations of letters and spelling is essential to mastering the skills needed for reading.

Vowels have more than one sound, and this can be difficult for kids to master. After mastering their letter identification, the next step in the process is to learn the sounds that each letter makes in the English language and how they blend together in various ways. Phonics is an important skill to master for younger learners who are just showing signs of being able to read.